Amazon is experiencing bottlenecks in logistics

Electronics giant Amazon is currently experiencing capacity issues at its logistics centers in Europe. Now the seller warns that he cannot accept all shipments. This means merchants may struggle to get their inventory to market in time for the holidays.

Deliveries delayed

The online marketplace announced its logistics bottlenecks on its SellerCentral store. As Amazon’s fulfillment center has reached capacity, the company said there may be delays in reserving merchant inventory.

“We will arrange the nearest available delivery appointment with your carrier”

Capacity bottlenecks are affecting Amazon’s fulfillment centers in several countries. The company mentions Germany, Italy, France, Spain, the Czech Republic and Poland. “If we are unable to accept your shipment, we will make another available appointment directly with your carrier. We know how important it is to receive your inventory for the holiday season and we are working to resolve these capacity bottlenecks as quickly as possible,” the market said.

Bottlenecks are not unexpected

The e-commerce giant was already anticipating setbacks during the busiest e-commerce season. Amazon already advised sellers in July to send holiday season inventory to fulfillment centers through August and September. She could thus concentrate on processing customer orders during November and December.

And in October, the marketplace also announced that it was temporarily extending the return period for customers. This would give consumers more time to return items, which means spreading out the flow of returns to logistics centers.

DHL deliveries in Germany suspended

In response to the announcement on SellerCentral, many merchants still have questions about what will happen to their inventory. In Germany, Amazon has already suspended incoming deliveries from DHL. The carrier is therefore now returning the affected shipments to sellers, until further notice. In their own words, Amazon and DHL are now working on a solution.

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